Uncover topic engagement, relationships that go beyond LinkedIn connections, and social dynamics effortlessly with our powerful Slack analysis bot.
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Unlock the secrets of ANY channel in a Slack workspace you belong to by allowing you to uncover hidden patterns, spotlighting top contributors, and surfacing engagement trends. Ideal for reps looking for deep understanding of a contact or team, it allows you to bring static Slack conversations to life. Just pass the output of our bot into your favorite AI to greatly deepen your understanding of what your target contacts care about.
Discover how the Slack Channel Analysis Bot reveals interaction patterns, top contributors, and key conversation trends to fuel better engagement.
Gather every message and file in your chosen Slack channel for a thorough review.
Identify top contributors, busy times, and popular topics easily.
Export user activity data in CSV or text format for easy sharing and analysis with your favorite AI.
Use secure OAuth for seamless channel access.
Choose any Slack channel to begin immediate analysis.
Export data and insights with just one click.
The Slack Channel Analysis Bot allows you to generate tailored insights based on your team's needs and interests, helping you go deeper, faster with the prospects that matter most to you.
Unlimited usage
Seamless integration
Validated output
Basic features
Better than ChatGPT
Free to start
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Unlimited usage
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Efficient Analysis: Quickly captures essential Slack insights grabbing the most recent 30 messages, ideal for real time updates.
Includes everything in the basic bot, plus:
We’ve got all the answers to your questions right here, whenever you need them.
Ask our teamThe bot provides detailed insights into communication patterns, top contributors, and engagement trends.
The Basic plan offers essential features, allowing up to the 30 most recent messages analyzed.
Yes, you can choose any channel after logging in.
The data appears within 10-20 seconds, with full processing for large channels in about 5 minutes.