Effortlessly generate a comprehensive list of similar companies based on company URL's.
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Surudo’s company similarity bot helps you quickly find companies like the ones you already know. It generates comprehensive data sets, validates information, and delivers results directly to your workflow, saving you time and effort.
Sign up for freeQuickly find similar companies with intelligent filtering, real-time validation, and easy integration into your workflow
Generate a broad range of similar companies at once, saving you from multiple searches.
Automatically check company details, ensuring accuracy by validating live websites and key data.
Export results effortlessly to CRM platforms and other tools with a single click.
Get instant to our bot by signing up today.
Simply paste a list of company websites into the search box and hit ‘search.’
Receive a list of similar companies in CSV format, ready for your workflow.
Company Lookalike Bot offers a ChatGPT-like interface but generates more results, validates output for accuracy, and integrates seamlessly into user workflows.
Unlimited usage
Seamless integration
Validated output
Basic features
Better than ChatGPT
Free to start
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Unlimited usage
Advanced features
Custom pricing
Convenient interface. Our users like using ChatGPT, but have difficulty integrating it into their workflow. Our bot provides a similar output to ChatGPT and also
Everything included in the basic bot, but also
We’ve got all the answers to your questions right here, whenever you need them.
Ask our teamIt’s a tool that helps users generate a comprehensive list of similar companies based on input data such as websites, with validated output and integration capabilities.
The bot checks details like company websites to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date.
The bot integrates seamlessly with CRM platforms, allowing for easy export of results.
The basic plan offers unlimited usage, validated output, and basic features at no cost.
New bots are released every Monday, each offering new features to improve your workflow.